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2019 Wuhan University IAS Economics Workshop
时间:2019-05-28    点击数:

June 9-10, 2019

Wuhan University

Sponsor: School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University

Venue: 经管院A208


Sunday, June 9, 2019

9:50am - 10:20 am: Registration

10:20am - 10:30am:Opening remark

10:30am – 12:00pm: Session 1

Session Chair:Guan Gong

1. Within-job wage inequality: performance pay and job fitness

o Rongsheng Tang (Shanghai University of Economics and Finance)

o Yang Tang (Nanyang Technological University)

o Ping Wang (Washington University in St. Louis)

o Discussant: Shihui Ma (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

2. Ignorance, Uncertainty, and Household Finance

o Yulei Luo (University of Hong Kong)

o Jun Nie (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)

o Haijun Wang (Shanghai University of Economics and Finance)

o Discussant: Nan Li (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm – 3:15pm: Session 2

Session Chair:Yulei Luo

3. Search Complementarities, Aggregate Fluctuations, and Fiscal Policy

o Yang Yu (Shanghai University of Economics and Finance)

o Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania)

o Federico Mandelman (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)

o Francesco Zanetti (University of Oxford)

o Discussant: Bin Li (International Monetary Fund)

4. Active monetary or fiscal policy and stock-bond correlation

o Erica Li (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business)

o Tao Zha (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Emory University)

o Ji Zhang (PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University)

o Hao Zhou (PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University)

o Discussant: Jun Nie (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)

5. Optimal Infant Industry Protection

o B. Ravikumar (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

o Raymond Riezman (University of Iowa)

o Yuzhe Zhang (Texas A&M University)

o Discussant: Xiaowen Wang (Shanghai University of Economics and Finance)

3:15pm – 3:35pm: Break

3:35pm – 5:05pm: Session 3

Session Chair: Jun Nie

6. Sate Reform and China’s Productivity Deceleration: Firm-level Evidence

o Jorge Alvarez (IMF)

o Tuo Chen (IMF)

o Bin Li (IMF)

o Discussant: Yan Liu (Wuhan University)

7. Financial Frictions and Agricultural Productivity Differences

o Junmin Liao (Wuhan University)

o Wei Wang (University of International Business and Economics)

o Discussant: Ziguan Zhuang (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)

5:10pm – 5:20pm: Group Photo

6:00pm – 8:00pm: Conference Dinner

Monday, June 10, 2019

9:00am – 10:30pm: Session 4

Session Chair: Tao Jin

8. Shadow Banking Activities of State-Controlled Firms and Economic Transition in China

o Guan Gong (Shanghai University of Economics and Finance)

o Zhenlong Jiang (Shanghai University of Economics and Finance)

o Dashi Xu (Shanghai University of Economics and Finance)

o Discussant: Kui Huang (National University of Singapore)

9. Efficiency with Endogenous Population and Fixed Resources

o Xiying Liu (Wuhan University)

o Juan Carlos Cordoba (Iowa State University)

o Discussant: Pidong Huang (Korea University)

10:30am – 10:50am: Break

10:50am – 12:20pm: Session 5

Session Chair: Nan Li

10. Sovereign default, TFP, Fiscal and financial frictions

o Zhigang Feng (University of Nebraska)

o Manuel Santos (University of Miami)

o Discussant:Tao Jin(PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University)

11. The Welfare Impacts of Transportation Networks in China

o Yang Tang (Nanyang Technological University)

o Lin Ma (National University of Singapore)

o Discussant: Peng Wang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch and Conference Adjourns